Monday, February 18, 2008

"Real Life Heroes": Historical Figures

I really enjoyed our preliminary discussion of "real life" heroes (as opposed to comic book heroes or fictional protagonists.)

We will be extending our conversation on real-life heroes in class today. I think its important to think of real-life heroes in terms of archetypes (as opposed to a rigid criteria or definition.) A real-life hero can be found in all walks of life: teachers, parents, siblings, mentors, colleagues, employers. We can also think about real-life heroes in terms of historical figures or artists, writers, thinkers, and revolutionaries.

Speaking of real-life historical heroes, The New York Times printed an interesting article regarding the icon status of our first President, George Washington:

It is interesting to note from the article that Washington shunned the adoration that his colleagues and admirers thrust upon him. If someone does not want to be considered a hero...are they still a hero?

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